The Project

COREPOL will answer the question of how better police - minority relations can be achieved in the context of European democratic policing. It will determine the extent to which Restorative Justice is presently used and how it can be made suitable to improve police minority communication and interaction. We will additionally address the open questions of gender, age and cultural compatibility of Restorative Justice in the field of policing minority problems.

The partners of the proposed research have the unique opportunity to investigate police-minority relations in Germany, Austria and Hungary, to test the scope of Restorative Justice in improving this relationship, and most importantly, to feed the results of the research directly into police training and tertiary education.

It is one of the objectives of the proposed research to spread basic knowledge about the concept of Restorative Justice, its practical implementation, its varieties across the legal cultures, and its impact on different security contexts, the policing in general, and the policing of minorities in particular: Restorative Justice’s potential for handling conflicts and peace building within democratic societies.